Sunday, December 31, 2006
A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
Basically that's the general definition of a friend, dictionary meaning is sometimes vague and unclear. "A person whom one......" Well, so is friendship a "one-way only" or a "two-way traffic" I wonder most of the times in fact. This world is practical and often too materialistic to be realistic. Give and take is what most people presume and this logic undermine the meaning of friendship. One friend maybe giving all the time while the other friend just take without realising that this so called "friendship" is going in one direction. So is this call "friendship"? or is there another term for it? Well I don't know.
As for us, this particular group of people, the 06 bastards, are we friends? hah! I am not sure. Maybe not, now I think. Similarly, we also have people who are always taking and people who are always giving but that's not really the point anymore. Somehow rather we have accepted this fact, I got to say we know each other sometimes much more than we know our family. We just know what one bastard wanna say/do before he even know what he can say/do. Huh? ok i will give some example...
-Before Mr. eagle nose wanna pull his nose skin and say something... some of us will already start saying about it and he will think twice about pulling that eagle-like nose of his.
-Sometimes, the joke already start when we look at each other and start laughing like kuku before we even speak a word.
-When a MHBP walk by, either me or stan will say "MHBP" before dear bryan utters the four alphabets.
So is this "friendship"? Well I don't think so. But I have got a term for our relationship... "Bastardship" sounds much better...
Monday, December 25, 2006
Love...not actually
Another Christmas and this year was alone in my room while my family is out somewhere... dunno where. Kinda make it worse I am watching "Love Actually", seeing kisses...hugs erm more kisses and hugs. Well, none make love (argh~). You's probably a nice show with a happy ending, as everyone ended up with someone else, even the old christmas rocker has his fat manager for Christmas.
Forget it. Stan would probably agree with me as we both are complaining, lamenting about this lousy show that we just watch on our lonely Christmas night. Sucks~ I can't even think of a girl that I want to confess to, she doesn't even exist. yawn~~ nvm I think I'll just hug my beloved bolster and pillow and make love to my lovely blanket.
To all friends of this blog... WE ROCK!
cheers to 2007!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Rein it in
Therefore I present my Top 5 Songs for Rainy Nights (Dec, 2006):
Top 5 Songs for Classy Rainy Nights
(1.) Fly Me To The Moon by Diana Krall (Live In Paris)
(2.) The Girl From Ipanema by Nat King Cole (Jazz In Movies)
(3.) Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller Orchestra
(4.) Dream A Little Dream Of Me by K.D Lang & Tony Bennett (Jazz In The City)
(5.) Land Of... by St Germain (Tourist)
Top 5 Songs for Lovey Dovey Rainy Nights
(1.) Falling by Ant & Dec
(2.) Stars by Simply Red (Greatest Hits)
(3.) Kiss From A Rose by Seal (Batman Forever O.S.T)
(4.) Baby I Love Your Way by UB40
(5.) All You Need Is Love by Lynden Daivd Hall (Love Actually O.S.T)
Top 5 Songs for Slow Rainy Nights
(1.) Green Apples by Chantel Kreviazuk (Dawson's Creek O.S.T)
(2.) So True by Black Seeds (On The Sun)
(3.) Strange and Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You) by Aqualung (Strange and Beautiful)
(4.) The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice (Closer O.S.T)
(5.) Fight Test by The Flaming Lips (Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots)
Top 5 Songs for Forlon Rainy Nights
(1.) The Waltz by Silje Nergaard (Port of Call)
(2.) Eve, The Apple Of My Eye by BellX1 (Music From The OC: Mix 4)
(3.) Collide by Howie Day (Stop All The World Now)
(4.) Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap (Speak For Yourself)
(5.) A Lack of Color by Death Cab For Cutie (Music From The OC: Mix 2) --> I would be crazy not to include Death Cab For Cutie..emo leh
Top 5 Songs For Uplifting/Inspirational Rainy Nights
(1.) Inner Smile by Texas
(2.) Black and White Town by Doves
(3.) Jealousy by Martin Solveig (Hedonist)
(4.) I Love A Rainy Night by Eddie Rabbitt --> of course mah, must love a rainy night!
(5.) Lost In Emotion by Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam
Top 5 Songs For Groovy Rainy Nights
(1.) On A Night Like This by Kylie Minogue (Light Years)
(2.) RocSette's Groove (Latin Horizon Mix) by Unsolicited Dubz (Lazy Dog Vol.2)
(3.) Freek A Leek by Petey Pablo (Still Writing in My Diary: 2nd Entry)
(4.) My Love by Justin Timberlake feat. T.I (PhutureSex/LoveSounds)
(5.) I Feel Good by James Brown
So there you have it, my personal top 5's for rainy nights in the month of december. Sorry for the lack of mandarin songs, not a really big fan of them. Honourable mentions go out to Forver Love by Wang Lee Hom and Superwoman by Cao Ge though. And needless to say, top whatever lists always stirs up a hornet's nets but then again...oh nevermind.
Bitching is always healthy but not about rain and more rain. Like how much can one bitch about rain and rain that hardly stops for two continous days? Give it a break, complement instead of competing.
Do stay tuned for Jan's Top 5s list. I only serve to please...master/mistress...
Friday, December 15, 2006
Hi all...
Well yes...there was a sort of outing for some 06 bastards as we show face at NTU business school bash.

These are some of the faces at the bash...dear Mr. KJ was probably dancing somewhere with his girl friends and dump us aside. Well, this not the point... The bash SUCKS! (Apology to NTU people, but I am merely stating the fact)
1st. The crowd ain't high. Hey hey, people! buy yourself some drinks to get high...argh~
2nd. The girls can't dance (noob). Turn off....ZZzzzzzzzzz
3rd. Everybody went home at 2am, the dance is COMPLETELY empty (wtf! 2am is suppose to be the PEAK man!)
Dearest mi and bryan ended up craving, lusting, desiring for Phuture and Zouk...I ain't going to bash again ended up in total disappointment after two lousy nights at MoMo. No more MoMo for me anymore.
Aside clubbing, I think I'll stop this lousy activity for quite some time for now. Beloved Stanley and myself are looking for people interested in wakeboarding. Erm typo it's WAKEBOARDING. Apparently this water sports is slightly addictive and we are looking for interested parties to join us so that it will be erm...cheaper? Guys and Girls all welcome (well, no doubt we prefer babes in bikinis. but probably won't have any judging from our CUI looks). Anyway, if ya love the sun, sea and wanna have some fun. I think wakeboard is pretty cool. So do let us know if you are interested. Thanks!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Hey that's Life...
It's true. Don't argue against it, you will fail...really.
Back then when you hate something, rant about it, dispised it, laugh at why people did it...
But now, the irony sets in when you are actually part of something you used to hate.
Well well well... people go think about it. Did something lidat happen to you? Hey but it's actually not that bad. It's not really a sin. As stan said, sin is the way to life. I gotta agree with that. sinful indulgence is not wrong. One Life live prob can't do something '21' when you are freaking '40'. If you are missing out on something which you refuse to accept now, go think about it. Try to accept it in a way which you can accept. *Terms and conditions apply
*Ya people, I am sure readers of our blog will be mature enough. Make wise decision, not stupid decision. Accept things that are not against law or against morality. hey's pretty obvious what I am talking about. Be wise don't be hiong (refer to the previous post).
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Therefore, I present The Bastard Dictionary 101: Terms, acronyms and phrases oft muttered by us. (Dumb version)
Disclaimer: Due to lack of sponsership and the slight shortage in enthusiam, this is the dumbed down dumb version where the original meaning is translated directly to english, if any. Also, it is not sorted alphanumerically either.
MHBP or Mai Hiam Buay Pai: Not fussy not bad. Eschewing of high standards in times of desperation. "Eh, that girl might have moustache, still...mhbp lah."
LPKLK, MT or Lim Pei Ka Li Kong, Mai Tia: Your father told you so, don't listen! "See, lpklk, mt! Bramble lao again..."
Lao(4): To drop or miss the ball or object heading your way. "TMD, Bramble lao again. Newcastle lose liao"
TMD or Ta Ma De: Literally meaning that person's mom's. See above for use of acronym.
Wa: Form of exclamation. Oft used to express shock, realization or dismay. "Wa,wa, wa... short, short..."
Chai: Pretty girl. "Eh, your groupmates there got chai anot?"
Hiong ah: Also know as Zhai. Means powerful or great. "Wah, you in SMU, hiong ah!"
Cui: Broken a.k.a cannot make it. "Chai over there....ehhhhh, sorry, sorry. CUI one."
Sagat Leaping Knee: A new move for goalkeepers in the game of football whereby the custodian leaps with one knee out in the air to physically stop an opponent from latching onto a through pass. Imitated from Street Fighter's Sagat. "Wa, damn hiong. Leaping knee people liao still dun wanna say sorry."
Liuuuu....Stannnn: Term of endearment. Used when drunk or hopelessly drunk. "Liuuu...stannn...*silence*..."
So there you have it, some of the terms, acronyms and phrases we bastards often use during conversations. More of such terms will come by, once we integrate them or yours truly find the inspiration to blog more. Till then, mug hard for your exams hor.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sad day in the library...
While in the library i hunted the fiction section for my beloved fantasy novels. And while browing through i found my treasured book, The Hawk Eternal by David Gemmell. But thats beside the point.
While searching i overheard this little boy who ran up to his mother sitting on a bench in the library. He was carrying a this skinny yet big faced book, looked like one of em children stories. He was pestering to borrow the book but his mother refused.
What his mother told him, or what i remember of it was "Borrow for what? You cannot even read the words."
And the son retaliated with "But i know how to read the words!"
Mother, "But you read already also don't understand, read for what? Put back the book lah."
If this were to happen alot in Singapore, i guess that is why Singaporeans nowadays don't like to read much. Or why our children aren't as 'smart' or 'hardworking' as foreign students.
Reading in the past was a privellege left to the nobles or rich. Books used to cost gold in their weight. Nowadays people don't even know how to appreciate paper. But what made me sad, was that this mother could have allowed her child to borrow the book. Then whatever he did not understand she should either explain or ask him to look up a dictionary. I remember that was how it was for me when i was growing up and what i still do when i run across words i don't understand. This would cultivate a good reading habit, a greater sense of curiousity and a hardworking spirit in the young. But all ruined thanks to a mother who knows no better. I don't blame her, maybe she did not get a good upbringing or she was having a bad day.
Final words for the post. Maybe not everyone likes to read or not everyone has the imagination to read. But please do not restrict this right to our youths. And btw, DAVID GEMMELL ROCKS! So does Salvatore, Feist, Gaiman and many more, haha.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Do you know? An apology.
"Army. The Decisive Force."
Ever watch the commercial "Life story of Nick" where it's so boring that everyone falls asleep and Nick's life changed after joining the Navy. WOah~~
Urban Legend: "eh boy when you come out of the army you're going to be strong and mature, just like your papa now."
Ya right... you probably hear this in your life once whether you are a guy or a girl. But seriously this is a whole chunka crap. 1st, it's never decisive. Those big shots just can't freaking make up their retarded mind and it's us the little midgets that suffer! Changes keep coming and we slogged our days with the puny allowance they give us...while they enjoy their coffee in aircon room. Exciting? Hah! probably...when you make love with mosquitoes in the wild and get screwed by the rank bigger than you. Definitely AWESOME!
Boys curse and swear thinking that it's cool. Midget like us in army curse and swear because we meant it. They say we mature in there...No, it's the other way round. I hate myself more now. I don't really like to swear and say the 'F' word and some other vulgarities that you hear me cursing. I really hate it. Unfortunately, it's been rooted deeply into me now after 2yrs 2mths. Picking up smoking is not that bad in army, picking up swearing is so much worse. I have degenerated.
Yes I have O-R-D. But so what...look at what it has done to me... Henceforth, I sincerely apologise to myself and those we often hear me cursing. Please stand the little nonsense that I blurt out. Forgive me...
Friday, November 24, 2006
So it's me updating this post.
Yes the 3 of us again...but this time at my house. Doing nothing... watch soccer...eating junk, KFC, chips and some other junk shits that u can think of that make us fat. hah! Had some adventure with Stan that day though. We wanted to call for delivery but for some reason 62353535 just refuse to get me thru to the operator. So I decide to drive out..yes me the one w/o license as stan refused to drive my dad's car. Well it's a little bumpy(literally) but it turn out fine but parking the car back was one Hella challenge...but still nothing is too tough for the 2 of us.
Stan: yay! Pang din kill me...and it's finger licking goood~
Bryan: eh where's my chicken drumlet????
Heineken anyone?
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Well, if you are like us, bastards or the the female versions of us or bimbos or alcoholics or a lil chao lao face or unfortunate enough to have a suicidal amount of facial hair... do NOT take that leap of faith or it will be a one way ticket to Hell. Imagine taking a leap into Hell, not very nice ain't it. Very painful, to say the least.
Why not to take the leap one might ask? Eh hello. If you are as described as above, it means that you are C.U.I. What makes you think that they are looking at you? There might be a hot hunk or babe unfortunate enough to be standing or seated behind you. Or worse, that person who is looking at you might be thinking, "Wah lau eh, tak boleh tahan! So cui still wanna take up space. Block my view only..."
But actually, if you're a can actually give this a shot. After all, you are already discounted as a bimbo, so nothing more is left to be lost, right?
Looking before you leap didnt't matter much...till now.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tis the season...
But anyway, thanks to some obscure reason, my holidays have ended up being pushed forward. Instead of clearing my leave and off during the Christmas period so i could spend time with family and friends, i am now officially clearing it from the 24th Nov till 10th Dec. How exciting. So anyone free during that period, feel free to ask me out as i'll probably be rotting at home or finding something to do.
P.S. I Love my Job. Such fulfilment, excitement and sense of Pride.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Let's face it people we are all bias and freaking stereotype in one way or another. For me, scholars from Country 'I' are loud, speaking in their proud accentuated English and have enough money for only one bird. Darn... there is a group besides me now talking loudly in the library. "Shuddup la!"
But please people, we should all open our narrow mind a bit somehow. Singaporean are way too conservative and that include myself. Maybe we should start seeing things from a different angle to gain a better perspective, in another word 'break out' (well in another sense, not the one in bryan's dictionary). Haha...
So, let's try somethings now...
A guy in berm and black socks and leather shoes may not be from Country 'C'.
A couple of muscular guy in singlet walking out the gym may not be gay.
A couple eating together may not be in a relationship.
Don't look down on the fatso over there, they may be richer and have a prettier gf than you.
and well...
A 16 years old look-a-like may in fact be 21 already. Darn~ Hahaha...
*alone in the freaking library and exhausted by law. Mugging sucks! yawn~~
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Chong Ming's Birthday
Went out with Bryan, Glory, Birthday-boy and ShiHan (dunno how to spell her name) to Brewerkz to 'celebrate' his birthday.
Sadly all the photos are in Bryan's phone and Glo (or ShiHan i dunno whose) camera so no picts for now. Await updates.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Believe it!!

I am sure most of you will know what's shown in the picture above and of course many would have already know that I tried to persuade SMU students in my comms class on Friday to buy 4D! So on that very Sunday Nov12, I handed one of the 4D 'Optical Answer Sheet'(OAS) to a friend of mine. know jokingly not really serious that she will bet on it.

HAH! guess wat? this is what she bought from the OAS i given her...LOL! (0211!!). And that very evening, she called me...laughing and exclaiming with excitement!

Yes! Believe it! She strike 4D that very sunday. Her very 1st time! It may just be a consolation prize but it is still worth $130. Such coincidence! I feel powerful at that moment! That speech of mine seem magical now! Do you know how freaking low the probability is and it just happen that I presented on this topic and it just happen that i met her and give her that freaky OAS. Yes...for those we have seen my presentation, you better believe in 4D now! This actually happen real life! So all you people out there...what are you waiting for? Get a 4D OAS from me NOW!!! Hahahahaha!!!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Good Karma!
How unexpected? What a pleasant surprise?
What do i mean?
Stay tune for more... it's 12 NOV 2006!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Whats with...
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Brief Background History of the Bastards
Well honestly it's mostly made up of bastards, the girls just stuck to themselves and called us crazy.
After our secondary 1 orientation camp we quickly became a close knit group of bastards who would eventually split up at secondary 3 and into different groups thanks to different CCAs, friends, hobbies, etc etc.
One of our favourite past time however would be to play soccer. Or if we had nothing better to do, wrestle. Yes we wrestled. We were Professional Wrestlers. Fake cuts. Uppercuts and jabs which looked real. Chairs to the head. Sadly we didn't have any sledgehammers or breakable tables at our disposal. I kid you not, we did wrestle after school. We would find a classroom, lock ourselves up and let the mayhem begin. Most people called us crazy and childish, most of them still do. But we were kids, and it was fun. To us we would never forget the time Bryan split his pants trying to kick someone in the face. Or the time Siong did a moonsault off a dais onto a mattress. Or the many times Jackson gave WeiChong the last ride. Or... I could go on for a long time, since forever would be an even longer time. But anyway, those were the days... Stories for another time.
Back to the topic. Yes, we were a class, and we stuck as a class even up till now. Or at least most of us stuck. We used to be more united as ex-classmates and friends, but then some stuff happened. Ofcourse it did, Murphy's Law, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Anyway, we are now sort of broken up with people all over the place. Some in University, some working, some in NS, some on their way to jail... Haha! We still try to meet up once in awhile, like our latest gathering, BBQ at Bryan's... Usually i run around trying to meet most of the 06ers, even those Pang and Bryan aren't very friendly with. Like YongXian, Liu, Glo, etc etc... Maybe someday we'll have a BBQ again for our loyal blog fans...

Ignore the date, i didn't set the date for my camera...
This is a picture of most of the 06 bastards, since this is suppose to be a brief history, i guess i'll cut it short. We are bastards, born into this family 06 under different names. We enjoy ourselves, go through thick and thin together, laugh at one another's misfortune and share one another's fortunes. Some of us club, some of us drink, some of us smoke, some of us pray, some of us fuck, some of us love, some of us are on the path to jail and caning. But no matter what, we are still 06.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Music is not good
For God's sake or whomever you subscribe to up or down there, please do NOT commit such an inconsiderate and brainless crime. Firstly, its not good manners. Secondly, it seriously is not cool. Thirdly, it seriously is not cool when one listens to music this way when he or she can just bloody plug in the headphones or earphones. Are you too dirt poor to get a pair of decent ear/headphones when you can get a phone that comes with low fidelity speakers and plays mp3 too boot? Like wow, you got mp3! Hey, I got an iPod, with in-ear earphones and a Nokia phone which can play mp3 too! Fourthly, it seriously is not cool to play your music loudly on buses or in enclosed public places. Karma will bite you back in the ass when you grow old and hopefully more mature. Just look at my friend Xuxian and his SMU girl exploits. Haha! Karma bites, hard.
So you stupid fucks out there, don't ever continue such a bad habit. Inbred!
Monday, November 06, 2006
If you have watched the sitcom "My Name is Earl", you will probably know what I will be talking about. Dear Earl showed us how to persevere to reverse the bad karma that befall on him. And I think it's time I learn from dearest Earl.
Have you bitch and gossip about someone behind his/her back.
"Haha! so fat, look at those fats oozing from the waist!"
"So ugly...*puke"
Damn, then it's time you reflect what you say...Cause Mr. Bad Karma maybe lurking nearby waiting to strike anytime when you are not paying attention. And when that happen you better don't freak out.
Being a bastards like us is definitely not good. We bitch too much and I can sense that Mr. Bad Karma is already exercising his plan on me! Now I have to keep a lookout on him, this feeling is not good at all. Darn, but being a nice guy has no advantage...Good guy dies first!
Anyway, I should try really to be nice and keep quiet... I do not want to be backstabbed by Mr. Bad Karma and die without knowing the reason. Or maybe i have already been cursed my Mr. Bad Karma long before I know? No wonder I have been suay all of my 21years!
So a piece of advice for those out there, if you have been bitching too much and doing too many bad things...Better watch out! He's just somewhere around that dark corner......muahahah~
Friday, November 03, 2006
Self Finale
I like to do lots of stuff, mostly i like hanging out with my best friends Pang & Bryan. PB. Peanut Butter. Mmm food. I am someone who cannot make up his mind easily, most of the time i like to think that it's cos i'm too complicated but maybe it's cos i'm too simple. What i want, i usually don't get. What i like to do, i'm usually lousy at. I like to write too. So i guess i should just give up and don't want or do anything then i'll get what i want and be good at what i do eh? Things don't work that way. People say i look like a monkey. I am fat. I am not tall standing at 1.7M but still i stood in the first row as the AirForce Guard of Honor contingent during NDP'06. I love my friends. I love chocolate. I am Stan.
There, the last eye gouging picture of the 3 06bastards authors. We would probably post more picts of the other 06bastards and intro them too against their will and wishes. But thats what we are, bastards. This is kinda a last minute post and the picture was just taken too. But won't make much of a difference if it weren't. Still as fugly. So with this i end a chapter. Questions would be entertained, if we want to. But i guess most of you won't visit with all the eye bleeding pictures. Hah. Adios, for now.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Self the sequel...
XuXian is the name. but some prefer Pang...whichever may sound familiar to you. Definitely not good looking. That's for sure. Otherwise girls will be flocking to me like bees to honey. Similarly, no money in my pocket as well. I spend only on myself. Yes...selfish little bastard. I admit. No Talent, No Look, No Money, Not Humorous, No nothing... Eh then what do I have? A bunch of good friends I think. yeah!
The story goes on...if dear Bryan is short. Then I am a dwarf standing at a mere 1.64 and like them i am grumpy as well. Too short... No wonder no one really bothers to lower their head for a look. Life's like that you know? But xuxian don't really care. He's just contented to be himself. Yawn~~ Boring right. You know sequel ain't really that exciting compared to the 1st instalment. But there's still a climax...It's coming...Be prepared!

"MY EYES!" ok ok...I can hear all of you screaming your pain. Shucks~ No wonder my house mirror cracked if I look for more than a second. HAHA...We maybe infected by the immunovirus, already at the benign stage but we don't really care! Woohoo~
Well well...there's definitely more to come. Come back and stay tune to this URL as Stan shall bring the final episode of...Self! muahahaha~
The name's Bryan. Let's forgo the family name least you reader decide to seek me out for revenge should you eyes bleed later on. No way in hell am I good looking so girls if you're looking for hot guys, you can stop reading. If you are looking for rich guys, move away too as Im a poor student and I do not have a car. If you are looking for something else other than those two mentioned above, please do not bother seeking me out. I do not think you will want to anyway.
In short, Im Short(1.72m), fat(fat enough to model for Xando Platinum 2) and ugly. Ugly enough to cause your precious monitor, lcd or crt, to die off. Notice that slight fade in colour at the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Please do not scream blue murder. Monitors can be easily replaced as long as you are no cheapskate. Here's a photo of prepared...
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Photo thoughts
Monday, October 30, 2006
We don't understand...
why!? we asked.
life's unfair we said.
Darn! a cmi guy with a hot chick obviously his girlfriend...
There are so many things in life that we don't understand. How is it possible? are we really more cmi or lacking the X-factors or lacking in confident or we really suck or simply suay? well, i guess no one can tell us the answer and so we continue lamenting. sigh~
people are always wondering and asking questions. so are we. however, many may venture into the unknown to seek the answer they all so wanted. good job people! fortune favours the bold...
how ironic is that, it seems that i am the typical singaporean who is more humji. attempting the unexplored and seeking the answer is definitely not my style (not as hiong as one of our good fren). what's more? somethings are proven and well depicted by broken hearts from failure. Besides, fortune will never come knocking on my door as i am known for my 'suay~'. "darn it!" again...
alright...u might be thinking "this guy/these bastards self confidence is/are really damn low..." (actually i maybe the only one feeling this way) hah! well...true i may say. so do give us a little boost in confident by supporting this pathetic blog. and we will truly appreciate if you happen to have any answers to our many doubts in life. thanks...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
In our humblest opinion(s), mhbp is a good term for those erm... 'mid-ranged' looking girls who are not as hot or popular as the likes of Fiona Xie or whatever. At least they aren't thrown callously into the CMI catergory by other guys not in the know of the MHBP theory. Of course, we ain't the bestest looking guys around, therefore the name of our blog and even ourselves. But because of the words of our dear secondary school history teacher, we are able to critique others. The esteemed teacher used to say, 'It takes another idiot to call another person an idiot'.
Therefore, in our instance, it allows us cui guys to term girls cui or not. Geddit? No? It's ok. Only idiots read an idiot's blog.
Thus, remember, MHBP. It makes life much easier to bear. But of course, mhbp must also have a limit lah. If you see those really cui ones, like I did at SMU one fine wednesday where this really cui girl also zhao ge liao liao, then please close both eyes. Beautiful creatures might await at the next corner or the connecting corridor.
Also, beware makeup. It's a miraculous things. Makes mhbp a little more difficult, especially when there are layers applied. Hides even the most hideous moustaches and what nots on the ladies .
Be smart. Mai hiam.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
We came to a consensus that moustaches that can be seen in photographs should be lasered off. Please, for heaven's sake, leave the moustache thing to us guys. That's of course, if you find Ali G or Borat sexy, then leave it in place for all you care. I personally find Hitler revolting.
And a piece of friendly advice, ladies, never ever shave that moustache. That is a one way ticket to Hell and there's no turning back from the stubble and regrowth and shaving burns. Also, think of the money needed to be spent on razor blades and shaving gel. These lil bastards ain't cheap. Furthermore, imagine the indignity you will have to suffer should you be found using Gillete or Shick on that mouth of yours. The only stuffs for ladies from these brands are for leg hair. And if that is not enough of a reminder, waxing is the new shave.
Be smooth.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Maybe i should rhyme this...
Theres this girl.
I wonder if i like her.
Sometimes i really do miss her.
She seems so nice at times.
If only she wasn't so mean at times.
I wonder what to do.
Sometimes i ask her out.
She's so busy everytime.
If only i weren't so busy.
I wonder if she likes me.
Sometimes i tell myself to just give up.
She just sticks in my mind.
If only i can forget.
I wonder if i'm wasting my time.
Sometimes i should just stop thinking.
She shouldn't be what i think about.
If only i can stop thinking.
I wonder.
If only.
once again to all my friends out there who think that SMU is a hip and funky school....
get that idea OUT of your head!!!
now i am having obligations of becoming a mugger...
look around the campus and you'll probably feel more geek than hip...
i dun really feel stress but i am just disturb by sight of overwhelming muggers... kewl~
so pls dun come up to me next time and say "wah pang! SMU song bo! very happening ar..."
c'mon...i know better...
cheers! it's friday!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
And here's some pics of a get together, this being the first Break Out session:

stan: maybe i should get bryan to join me in breaking out...
bryan: is stan thinking what i'm thinking?

Pang: these 2 can break out all they want. i prefer real and mature babes..

bryan and stan: fuck you, pang. let's break out together!
There you have it, a session of mindless fun when msn is deemed insufficient or just too lacking in scenary, or so to speak.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
ya...this is usually what me n stan will crap about...
sometimes i think we are quite good at this...
xuxian! says:
which only we knows and concur
xuxian! says:
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
not only we concur
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
i think others do too, but they just dont bother to take it serious
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
cos ignorance is bliss
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
they are blessed
xuxian! says:
i think we reli think too much...too hard.
xuxian! says:
tat sucks.
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
curse of intellect
xuxian! says:
bliss of ignorant
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
wonder.. this post will be long... hahhaa
xuxian! says:
sigh - an excess and useless breath people takes to lament
xuxian! says:
There are some things, chocolate cannot do. says:
Regardless whether u are my fren(xuxian), bryan's or stan's or clement's or kj's or jun's frens as long as u know any of us...u r all our frens...
we hope that this will be an interesting blog with fun n laughter and crappy like all of us!
so stay tune for more...
it's gonna be COOL! that's for sure...