I am sure most of you will know what's shown in the picture above and of course many would have already know that I tried to persuade SMU students in my comms class on Friday to buy 4D! So on that very Sunday Nov12, I handed one of the 4D 'Optical Answer Sheet'(OAS) to a friend of mine. Well...you know jokingly not really serious that she will bet on it.

HAH! guess wat? this is what she bought from the OAS i given her...LOL! (0211!!). And that very evening, she called me...laughing and exclaiming with excitement!

Yes! Believe it! She strike 4D that very sunday. Her very 1st time! It may just be a consolation prize but it is still worth $130. Such coincidence! I feel powerful at that moment! That speech of mine seem magical now! Do you know how freaking low the probability is and it just happen that I presented on this topic and it just happen that i met her and give her that freaky OAS. Yes...for those we have seen my presentation, you better believe in 4D now! This actually happen real life! So all you people out there...what are you waiting for? Get a 4D OAS from me NOW!!! Hahahahaha!!!
Xu Xian whats gonna open for this saturday's 4D oh great one pls give a hint thanks =)
if only i know...
i wouldn't be mugging...
eh teong u r the real god..i scared of u leh
=) 130 bucks!! Mr pang... 130 bucks!!!
yes yes i know!
waiting for your treat eh...u owe me alot of meal.
still damn funny la...
Haha.... ya....... Unbelievable right? Will treat you when i get back my WINNING ticket from you!
haha...but it really happen
when u getting back...
later i go redeem and run off with the money liao.
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