Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hey that's Life...

I always say that life is an irony...
It's true. Don't argue against it, you will fail...really.

Back then when you hate something, rant about it, dispised it, laugh at why people did it...
But now, the irony sets in when you are actually part of something you used to hate.

Well well well... people go think about it. Did something lidat happen to you? Hey but it's actually not that bad. It's not really a sin. As stan said, sin is the way to life. I gotta agree with that. sinful indulgence is not wrong. One Life live prob can't do something '21' when you are freaking '40'. If you are missing out on something which you refuse to accept now, go think about it. Try to accept it in a way which you can accept. *Terms and conditions apply

*Ya people, I am sure readers of our blog will be mature enough. Make wise decision, not stupid decision. Accept things that are not against law or against morality. hey's pretty obvious what I am talking about. Be wise don't be hiong (refer to the previous post).

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