Thursday, November 05, 2009

greetings from denmark.

eh where the fuck is the backhead grass post?

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So all the best to our dear Pang Xuxian as he takes off to 6 month trip to Denmark and all other parts of Europe. All based on the flimsy excuse of being an exchange student. I suspect its more of a galivant than others.

All will be forgiven if he returns with awesome gifts.

So we met at the airport, Stan and I, to send him off. Certaintly then I looked at him with a different eye. Pang, as a great, strong, independent guy. Not the chubby cheeks assed in secondary school, haa!

Sometimes I wished I have the independence and optimism he has but all of us are different and we thrive in our own way.

Pang, if you are reading this, I want H&M, swedish meatballs, agnes B if you are going to France, fred perry if in England, chais from Denmark and Germany and super zhai stuffs from all the other places you are visiting. Heh.

Next post: Back Head Grass.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

erm happy CNY?

no one is here anymore.
but well very belated happy CNY.

life's not too bad. well at least for me.
dunno about the other two.
but at least you still can see them eating and erm.... ya eating. me too.

not been wakeboarding much. it's not that our passion has died or lessen.
our bank account has tremendously.
but we're still hanging on tight.

oh ya on the eve, happy bday bryan!