Sunday, October 29, 2006


Allow me to introduce the theory of MHBP. It's the acronym of the hokkien phrase : Mai Hiam Buay Pai. Translated loosely into english, it means not fussy not bad. It came about when our dear friend, Clement, got himself a girlfriend. Because she ain't exactly Fergalicious, thus Stan, Xuxian and I came up with the term to suan him lah. The slowly but surely it evolved to become a running joke and scenario to describe girls who ain't exactly babes but are still decent enough to be looked at.

In our humblest opinion(s), mhbp is a good term for those erm... 'mid-ranged' looking girls who are not as hot or popular as the likes of Fiona Xie or whatever. At least they aren't thrown callously into the CMI catergory by other guys not in the know of the MHBP theory. Of course, we ain't the bestest looking guys around, therefore the name of our blog and even ourselves. But because of the words of our dear secondary school history teacher, we are able to critique others. The esteemed teacher used to say, 'It takes another idiot to call another person an idiot'.

Therefore, in our instance, it allows us cui guys to term girls cui or not. Geddit? No? It's ok. Only idiots read an idiot's blog.

Thus, remember, MHBP. It makes life much easier to bear. But of course, mhbp must also have a limit lah. If you see those really cui ones, like I did at SMU one fine wednesday where this really cui girl also zhao ge liao liao, then please close both eyes. Beautiful creatures might await at the next corner or the connecting corridor.

Also, beware makeup. It's a miraculous things. Makes mhbp a little more difficult, especially when there are layers applied. Hides even the most hideous moustaches and what nots on the ladies .

Be smart. Mai hiam.

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