Well honestly it's mostly made up of bastards, the girls just stuck to themselves and called us crazy.
After our secondary 1 orientation camp we quickly became a close knit group of bastards who would eventually split up at secondary 3 and into different groups thanks to different CCAs, friends, hobbies, etc etc.
One of our favourite past time however would be to play soccer. Or if we had nothing better to do, wrestle. Yes we wrestled. We were Professional Wrestlers. Fake cuts. Uppercuts and jabs which looked real. Chairs to the head. Sadly we didn't have any sledgehammers or breakable tables at our disposal. I kid you not, we did wrestle after school. We would find a classroom, lock ourselves up and let the mayhem begin. Most people called us crazy and childish, most of them still do. But we were kids, and it was fun. To us we would never forget the time Bryan split his pants trying to kick someone in the face. Or the time Siong did a moonsault off a dais onto a mattress. Or the many times Jackson gave WeiChong the last ride. Or... I could go on for a long time, since forever would be an even longer time. But anyway, those were the days... Stories for another time.
Back to the topic. Yes, we were a class, and we stuck as a class even up till now. Or at least most of us stuck. We used to be more united as ex-classmates and friends, but then some stuff happened. Ofcourse it did, Murphy's Law, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Anyway, we are now sort of broken up with people all over the place. Some in University, some working, some in NS, some on their way to jail... Haha! We still try to meet up once in awhile, like our latest gathering, BBQ at Bryan's... Usually i run around trying to meet most of the 06ers, even those Pang and Bryan aren't very friendly with. Like YongXian, Liu, Glo, etc etc... Maybe someday we'll have a BBQ again for our loyal blog fans...

Ignore the date, i didn't set the date for my camera...
This is a picture of most of the 06 bastards, since this is suppose to be a brief history, i guess i'll cut it short. We are bastards, born into this family 06 under different names. We enjoy ourselves, go through thick and thin together, laugh at one another's misfortune and share one another's fortunes. Some of us club, some of us drink, some of us smoke, some of us pray, some of us fuck, some of us love, some of us are on the path to jail and caning. But no matter what, we are still 06.
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