Friday, November 24, 2006

Ya this pics were like taken 2wks back I think but dear Bryan was too lazy to upload them...
So it's me updating this post.

Yes the 3 of us again...but this time at my house. Doing nothing... watch soccer...eating junk, KFC, chips and some other junk shits that u can think of that make us fat. hah! Had some adventure with Stan that day though. We wanted to call for delivery but for some reason 62353535 just refuse to get me thru to the operator. So I decide to drive out..yes me the one w/o license as stan refused to drive my dad's car. Well it's a little bumpy(literally) but it turn out fine but parking the car back was one Hella challenge...but still nothing is too tough for the 2 of us.

Stan: yay! Pang din kill me...and it's finger licking goood~

Bryan: eh where's my chicken drumlet????

Heineken anyone?


Stan said...

Yeah, i park teh car gooood.
It was the night of soccer, booze, Celebrity Deathmatch, Guess^3 and me speculating if the pretty lady is a prostitue or not. Lol.

Anonymous said...

OMG BEER AND FOOD!!! Remember my lesson on beer belly! YOU ARE GOING TO HORRIBLEY GET ONE! AND NEVER CHIO ME HOR>>>> YOU GOOD :P Kidding...

xuxian said...

get lor...
i got exercise...nvm