Sunday, February 11, 2007

The wind in my hair. The sand in my eye.

Yes once again 'depressing' Stan is out to rant. But this will be different, it's a pictured rant! Read on avid bastard fans...

It happened on a bright sunny morning, just like every other bright sunny morning in Singapore nowadays. The ones where me and Pang are either busy or lacking in money to wakeboard in, damn it. Anyway, i was in camp this specific day walking down the road back to the office to get some stuff. As usual depressing thoughts just jumped to mind. The usual 'What is our purpose in life?' question haunted me. Sure i was enjoying the pleasant wind on such a hot day, but it just made me think more about why was life the way it is. Other such depressing thoughts came to join in the party in my head of course.

Then suddenly it hit me. No not a 5 toner, but a grain of sand. Straight in the eye. Instantly what jumped to mind was, "Hey, the sun is shining, the wind is blowing. You're alive, healthy and well to do compared to other people, wtf are you complaining about? Enjoy the breeze you bastard." It was quite a surprising thought since usually my normal mental reaction to said incident would be "F*CK. F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK!"

Anywho, that was just a one time reaction. Shortly after enjoying the breeze i got back to being the same old depressing me. This whole experience taught me something tho. There are good times and there are bad times. Just try to treasure what you have and fight for what you don't, never just 'try to make do' or give up on yourself. Even tho in the end, we'll all still die, try to enjoy life while we can.

Guess I'll end this post with a picture since Pang says it's all the craze about picture blogging nowadays and we don't seem to be getting many comments or hits...

Royce and Godiva.
One of my friend's V-day gift last year.
Courtesy of, me.
Tis the inside of that Godiva packaging.

With these 2 nostalgic pictures, i end my post. Have fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.