Saturday, January 13, 2007


First of all, Happy New Year to whoever read this. Yes, I know it's kinda late to send out new year greeting but better late then never.
A couple of weeks have passed and 300+ days wait 2007. Basically, bastard like me don't really have much resolution for the year but still I do have something I wish for this year.

Erm, getting a gf aint really a concern or resolution, in case some of the bastards get concern. Well anyway, life's really simple for a retard like me. I mentioned before that Friends Rock my World and Hell yeah! I just wanna be happier this year and this goes to the rest of my friends who happen (lucky or unlucky) to know this bastard call xuxian. I just wanna do the thing I like... drinking coffee, slacking, mahjong, watch soccer, play tennis, wakeboard, reading the live update jokebook(muahahaha!), feasting on eye candies, talking about eye candies and well more candies or chocoloate to eat. I hope whoever can, just make all these come true this year. Hey hey, I hope to strike 4D top prize real soon man. I bring someone luck by giving out the ticket why can't I have the luck myself. I've been a good boy karma may treat me abit better this year. *shrug.

Well, GOOD LUCK my friends and fellow bastards. Do remember to do abit for charity, Singapore Pools is always open for us!

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