Feels kinda weird really, after such a long hiatus. Well, can't only expect Pang to keep this thing going. My life so far can been summarised into three basic catergories...
Things I have done:
Piss my boss off.
Started looking for a new job.
Saving lucre for Taiwan trip.
Stopped buying clothing.
Cleaning my room.
Redecorate my room.
Things I have not done:
Serious exercise.
Not antagonize the boss further.
Buy Halo 3.
Buy FM 2008.
Take my driving licence.
Things I have bought:

As you can see, life is zero on the thrill factor, zilch on the hot factor and numero uno on the dud factor.
Here's some food for thought. Would you rather earn four million dollars in 4 days or be the most perfect person in 4 days? I would take the money.
After all, no one is perfect
What in the muthafarking world is tat thing?
its a skate deck
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