how come it's me posting again. if you still happen to read this blog.
*shrug. i have no idea either.
i am typing all this words and alphabets...erm...just to not let this place died away. well, i guess we all have been busy.
i dunno how to continue from let me think about it.
ok here goes...
i am sorry that i turned down several soccer gatherings as i am too tired and tied up with INTERESTING projects and reports.
but most importantly i think i just want to make my guilty conscience feel better by not going out too much.
we have not been to town at all for the past couples of month and are seriously demoralise. we are seriously deprive of coffee and chais. life has been dreary.
if you happen to see me...say 'hi' and please avoid "smu is cool" or "wah you wakeboard, rich ar!". my life and finance are in dire state and whoever almighty is up there, maybe you can do something to help me? 4d is good, toto better, big sweep best. THANKS!
ya wakeboard. i conclude that whoever read this blog are not interested at all. but still i ask...
do you wanna...wake? just leave a tag. we love to accommodate.
yes school been kinda tiresome. i just achieve an accolade by scoring the lowest in class for one of my mid-term. i have near zero zest to study. lacking sleep i guess. yawn~~
an ah teong is sitting beside me right now. making noises and blasting music into his ears. i guess i hate him. yes i do.
stuck in a moment. i cant get out of.
but like this.
there still aplenty of jokes around and retards for me to mock at.
so pang is still here, when you see me, i'll still be smiling.