"that's unfair", he exclaimed.
"nothing is fair", the teacher retort.
how true i thought. Back in primary school, my friend always grumble about being unfair. Till now, it's still so but there's nothing we can do about it. you can slog your entire life. be an honest man. polite and considerate. bloody nice like an angel on mortal earth. but somehow, life's somehow treat that asshole beside you better than any other. that's unfair. why? you ask. why? i ask. why? we ask. *shrug.
we are don't know. the more we try to seek for the answer, life and reality just give you a tighter slap across your dumb-founded face. freaking pain. oh hell yeah!
that's the unknown. everyone wonder about this, worry about that, contemplate on this, reconsider on that. damn it. damn life. just damn unfair.
shucks. life's a joke. life's a tragic. life's a happy ending. life's great. life's cool. life's about.........
it's about whatever. whatever you think, you want, you will be.
i just did a crap post. life............zzz.