Thursday, August 20, 2009


So all the best to our dear Pang Xuxian as he takes off to 6 month trip to Denmark and all other parts of Europe. All based on the flimsy excuse of being an exchange student. I suspect its more of a galivant than others.

All will be forgiven if he returns with awesome gifts.

So we met at the airport, Stan and I, to send him off. Certaintly then I looked at him with a different eye. Pang, as a great, strong, independent guy. Not the chubby cheeks assed in secondary school, haa!

Sometimes I wished I have the independence and optimism he has but all of us are different and we thrive in our own way.

Pang, if you are reading this, I want H&M, swedish meatballs, agnes B if you are going to France, fred perry if in England, chais from Denmark and Germany and super zhai stuffs from all the other places you are visiting. Heh.

Next post: Back Head Grass.
